Resolving Internal Conflicts

current blog
Posted 14 March 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

Part 4/4: Can the TKI model help with internal conflict? Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows which mode works best

The Big Picture and Conflict Management

current blog
Posted 12 March 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

Part 3/4: Using a Big Picture model, Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), shows how to evaluate and manage conflict.

The Avoiding Culture in Organizations

current blog
Posted 28 February 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

Part 2/4: Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), tries alternative TKI questions to get the true picture about the avoiding culture in organizations.

Cultural norms and conflict modes

current blog
Posted 14 February 2024 by
Ralph Kilmann

Get in-depth insights from Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), on the nuances of using and interpreting the TKI instrument in this four-part blog series.

How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

current blog
Posted 16 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research sends clear message to team leaders

Enhancing communication in teams

current blog
Posted 08 September 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

In this post we explore practical strategies for improving team communication and recommend tips to improve how team members interact on the job.

Introverts in conflict: what we learned in 2022

current blog
Posted 02 January 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research and data shows how different personality types approach conflict. But what does it mean for Introverted types? 

How those with an Introversion preference tend to manage and deal with conflict

current blog
Posted 27 December 2022 by
Alex Eggington, Consultant at The Myers-Briggs Company

Research shows that Introverted types handle conflict differently that those preferring Extraversion. Here’s how…

Use conflict as a health check for your team

current blog
Posted 09 November 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Is lack of conflict a sign of dysfunction? And what do people feel about conflict today? 

Get the latest research on conflict at work

current blog
Posted 24 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Conflict can be positive. New data and tips help you learn how to manage it.

What are the new sources of conflict at work?

current blog
Posted 21 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Learn the types and causes of conflict to be better prepared in how you manage conflict 

Conflict at work: what are your options?

current blog
Posted 05 October 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

If conflict management is something you dread, here’s how to start turning it around

Conflict Management

current blog
Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

How can conflict management save organizations money?

Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

current blog
Posted 24 May 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.

Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 20 May 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?

Managing conflict

Managing conflict
Posted 24 August 2018 by

How can we help you reach better resolutions?

Is conflict holding you back?

Is conflict holding you back
Posted 08 August 2018 by

Change your approach to conflict and you can change the outcome

Top tips for increasing the impact of your team coaching – part 1

Posted 18 June 2015 by
Katy Lyne - Principal Consultant at OPP

As an OPP Consultant, I work with many teams across a wide variety of sectors and industries. I was recently talking to a client, herself an L&D practitioner, who asked me about my approach to team coaching – in  particular what my ‘top tips’ were for ensuring that the work had impact and made a real difference to how the team functions. This got me thinking about the key elements involved.

Conflict and leadership: what does the data say?

Conflict modes
Posted 21 April 2015 by
John Hackston - Head of R&D at OPP

Leaders are quick, decisive, and know what they want; they aren’t afraid to make unpopular decisions and they can be fiercely competitive. This might be a somewhat old-fashioned view of leadership, but new research by OPP suggests there is more than a grain of truth here.

Top five blog articles of 2014

What's your type tipple?
Posted 29 December 2014 by

Visits to our Personality Matters blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the last 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and we’ve commented on the Paul Flowers furore. We've also continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management. But what are the top five posts that readers have returned to again and again?

Top 10 best-selling practitioner resources

shopping cart image
Posted 24 November 2014 by

To celebrate the launch of the new shop we thought it would be useful to highlight the most popular resources that have been purchased through our online ordering during 2014. These are the items that our customers find most useful (along with the many popular reports ordered by practitioners via OPPassessment). How many of them are in your portfolio of essential resources?

Celebrating the TKI’s 40th year anniversary

Ken Thomas and Ralph Kilmann
Posted 24 July 2014 by
Ralph Kilmann - co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument

In Act 1 of my blog posts marking 40 years of the TKI, I described the circumstances surrounding the development of the instrument. In this continuation of the story I’ll explain how ongoing research and validation enabled it to become the world’s best-selling conflict management tool.

Celebrating the TKI’s 40th year anniversary

Posted 10 June 2014 by
Ralph H. Kilmann - co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument

"While I don’t recall if there was a single moment, an epiphany of sorts, at some point Ken and I must’ve said out loud: 'Let’s develop a new instrument to measure the five conflict-handling modes'..." Ralph Kilmann recalls the origins of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument in the first of two blog posts celebrating 40 years of the TKI.

Celebrate with 25 free resources for practitioners

OPP at 25 logo
Posted 28 May 2014 by

Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.

Bringing greater consciousness into organisations

Posted 26 September 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

How separate am I from my environment and its influences? Can I influence (and thus change) my surrounding systems so they are more supportive of my true and complete self? Ralph Kilmann looks at how conflict-handling tools might address these fundamental issues.

The marriage between conflict and change

Posted 19 September 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

Conflict is essential for powering change in an organisation. It is a catalyst for the evolution - revolution, even - that drives success.

Conflict management and political behaviour across the globe

Posted 19 September 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

In a world of conflict, is it too ambitious to imagine that the TKI model can shed light on areas of political confrontation?

Resolving the frozen misperceptions between two warring parties

Posted 19 September 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

Defusing high-intensity conflicts and raising empathy between parties.

Bullying behaviour and conflict management

Posted 18 September 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

How to make bad behaviour unacceptable in the workplace.

Does an instrument assess 'looking good' or actual behaviour?

Posted 22 August 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

Assessment tools must address potential social desirability response bias if they are to be considered credible.

Assumptional analysis and conflict modes

Posted 30 July 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

By seeing your assumptions face-to-face, you have the chance to revise them, which will surely inspire you to change your beliefs or modify your behaviour.

Is life good?

Posted 19 July 2012 by

It's easy to get stuck in a life rut, but knowing more about yourself can help you identify areas that need change.

Correlating the MBTI and TKI assessments

Posted 10 July 2012 by
Ralph Kilmann

Correlating the MBTI with the TKI assessment shows that certain personality traits predispose people to certain conflict modes.

Top six tips for managing conflict in the workplace

Posted 15 June 2012 by

There are ways to deal with conflict that can not only diffuse the situation, but turn a negative into a positive.

Occupy London - a positive form of conflict?

Posted 11 November 2011 by

We all have preferred methods for dealing with conflict, but we may not be using the approach that is most appropriate for a particular situation.

Conflict in teams: what are we all so afraid of?

Posted 03 May 2011 by

Conflict is uncomfortable and seems counterproductive... But without conflict, do we risk brushing issues and opportunities under the carpet?


"You can't shake hands with a clenched fist"

Posted 16 March 2011 by

The average employee spends 2.1 hours a week dealing with conflict. So what's the best way to make something that is often seen as a potential derailer into something that's actually a good thing?