Top five blog articles of 2014

Visits to our Personality Matters blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the past 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and commented on the Paul Flowers furore. We've also continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management.
But what were the most popular posts in 2014? Here's a rundown of the top five.
1. What’s your type tipple?
(This was our most popular post by far!)
If your MBTI® type was a drink, what would it be? A fiery flaming sambuca or a complex vintage wine? An irrepressible energy drink or a Zen green tea? Discover your type tipple with our alternative type table!
2. Six videos that help illustrate MBTI type
Training aids that are memorable and that bring clarity to descriptions of MBTI type are like gold dust. One of the commonest questions we come across in the various MBTI-related Linked In groups, including OPP’s own OPP Qualified Practitioners, is the plea for good exercises to help illustrate the MBTI preferences and dichotomies.
3. What type of shoe are you?
Think of your MBTI type... and then re-imagine it as a type of shoe! There are more possibilities than you'd think: cosy slippers or feisty fire fighter's footwear? Boots for exploring other worlds or flip flops made of fish? Have fun with your type using our latest type table!
4. 25 free practitioner resources
Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.
5. What’s your MBTI sports type?
Reflecting on the fantastic sporting prowess displayed at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, we wondered which sports best capture the essence of each MBTI type. Here’s what we came up with - what do you think? Please feel free to share alternative suggestions!
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