Personal development
Do ambiverts exist?

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
We all have some introverted and some extraverted parts of ourselves, but according to the theory of personality types on which the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment is based, ambiverts don't exist.
Why knowing your personality type is critical to a growth mindset

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
If people think ability is innate, it could be holding them back
How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
New research sends clear message to team leaders
Why and how innovative organizations welcome conflict

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
Effective conflict management is a pillar of high-performing organizations
Can you pick up three bits of rubbish?

Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company
How micro habits are key to the environmental mission of our new charity partner, Take 3 for the Sea
Harnessing the power of personality type through MBTI Certification

Melissa Summer & Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company
What can you do with an MBTI certification? Learn more about popular applications of the MBTI tool like leadership and team development, and why becoming an MBTI certified practitioner could be your best professional investment.
Happiness and profit are synergistic

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
Why well-being is crucial to employee and organizational performance
Do ambiverts exist?

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
We all have some introverted and some extraverted parts of ourselves, but according to the theory of personality types on which the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment is based, ambiverts don't exist.
In-person development and the importance of human synchronization

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
What is human synchronization and why is it important for learning and development trainers, consultants and coaches to consider?
MBTI personality type and relationships

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
How can MBTI personality type help strengthen relationships? Do people with the same type get along better? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast to find out!
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