
From virtual and in-person delivery to bite-sized formats and flexible scheduling, our workshops fit your needs. They make it as easy as possible for you and your people to get actionable insights that improve performance.

Manager Essentials


Developing Crucial Skills for New Managers

This workshop series for first-time managers and leaders promotes a deep understanding of personality type and helps them gain the skills, knowledge, and confidence to get the best from their teams.

Participants will first be introduced to two personality frameworks—MBTI® and FIRO®—to raise awareness of their management style and how other people’s perceptions, experiences, values, and needs can differ. Participants can then apply this awareness to build competence in five key management areas through add-on workshops. 


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MBTI Playbook Leadership Graphic


Virtual Live Series

The MBTI® Virtual Live Series is a series of online workshops for small groups or teams. Each workshop has been carefully designed to help participants develop the self-awareness and soft skills critical to working together and collaborating more effectively.

Delivered online by an expert consultant from The Myers-Briggs Company, each workshop lasts two hours and is designed for groups of 4 and 20 participants.


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MBTI Playbook Leadership Graphic


Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership: Harnessing Diversity of Thought teaches leaders the behaviors and skills needed to drive a culture of inclusion and enhance performance, a fundamental part of any successful DE&I strategy. Leaders deep dive into “diversity of thought”—how people differ in their perceptions, experiences, backgrounds, work styles, values, and personality types.


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Conflict Management


Managing Conflict for Positive Outcomes

This workshop introduces the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI®), the world’s best-selling conflict management tool, and explores five different conflict-handling modes, their impact on interpersonal and group dynamics, and how to choose the best one for any situation. Participants will learn that conflict is not bad but instead, when used correctly, can improve communication and problem-solving.. 


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