Conflict Management Training with TKI

Harnessing conflict in the workplace

Learn how to deliver fast and effective conflict resolution with the Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument® in just one day on this virtually-delivered programme.

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Although you require no formal training for the TKI, our one-day virtual course will show you how to use this conflict-resolution model to deal positively with conflict. Equipped with these practical skills, you will be able to facilitate others to apply different conflict-handling styles according to the situation. By showing people alternative ways to resolve conflict, rather than always reverting to their default conflict-resolution strategy, you will empower them to seek positive outcomes from conflict situations, boosting productivity and reducing the need for mediation.

Upon completion of the course you will be awarded a certificate to mark your newly acquired expertise.

1 day live virtual training (Equivalent to 7 CPD hours)
  • Differing perceptions of conflict in the workplace and how to recognise conflict
  • The TKI conflict resolution model and its five conflict-handling styles
  • Strategic ways to resolve conflict using practical exercises
  • Simple exercises to enable you to run your own conflict management course with the TKI tool
  • Conflict management success stories

This is an interactive virtual workshop using a lively, interactive approach to learning, with role-play exercises, prompt cards and an engaging mix of group and individual working.

As with our in-person programmes, this virtual workshop is designed to accommodate different learning styles and involve reflection, different types of interaction and self-study with regular breaks to help manage your concentration.

  • Immediately acquire the skills to assess and respond to conflict in the workplace, with individuals and teams
  • Increase awareness of your own and others' natural styles of conflict management
  • Get five practical, situation-specific approaches for effective conflict-resolution using the five TKI conflict-handling styles
  • Learn how to use conflict as a positive driver of innovation, rather than a destructive experience best avoided
  • HR managers 
  • Line managers 
  • Team leaders

Join a public programme – see the calendar below to book on a course in the UK. Based outside the UK? Find your local training partner.

Hold an in-house training programme - can’t find a date in our public schedule that works for you - or want to train several people within your organisation at the same time? Find out more about in-house training.




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11 Jun 2025
Virtual training course
£495.00 ex VAT
07 Oct 2025
Virtual training course
£495.00 ex VAT