The MBTI® Step II™ Assessment - Uncovering the DNA of personality type

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
What is the MBTI Step II and what are facets? Learn more about uncovering the DNA of personality type in this blog.
How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
New research sends clear message to team leaders
What are the new sources of conflict at work?

Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company
Learn the types and causes of conflict to be better prepared in how you manage conflict
Introducing The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
The Myers-Briggs Company is launching a new podcast about psychology, personality, work life, and how to get the best from life.
Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company
If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.
Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?
Available now: Psychology of change in the hybrid workplace

by Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
Change is inevitable. And as the hybrid workplace becomes a new normal for many organizations, it brings specific benefits and challenges to managing uncertainty and successfully implementing change initiatives.
Using interpersonal needs to make the hybrid model work for teams

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
Is it possible to get the best of both worlds with hybrid work?
How to develop high potential people using MBTI personality insights

Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company
HR professionals get insight into team dynamics, individual strengths and more with potential leaders when using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment.
Top 10 Leadership Development Books

The Myers-Briggs Company
Our recommended titles for you this World Book Day
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