Celebrate with 25 free resources for practitioners
Posted 28 May 2014 by

Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.
Here, then, are 25 of the best.
- Get ahead with the MBTI – ‘type head’ and ‘stress head’ graphics for each of the 16 MBTI types
- Keep calm – dip into our colourful quick guide to stress and resilience
- Feel the power – get a snapshot of all that’s good about the MBTI process with our MBTI infographic
- Mind the generation gap! UK national personality survey 16PF poster presentation
- Personality on the hoof – PersonaBubble app, free and ready to download
- California dreaming – the CPI 260 (California Psychological Inventory) datasheet is just one of a series of product datasheets that you can customise with your own company contact details if desired (there's one for each OPP tool)
- Cheers! Our hugely popular MBTI type table reflects your personality as a beverage
- View from the top – all you need to know about great management in our leadership white paper
- Positive feedback – dip into our series of MBTI feedback videos on the OPP YouTube pages, including this one looking at the Thinking/Feeling dichotomy
- Make it pay – poster presentation looking at how organisations can optimise ROI for training
- Read all about it! Our monthly OPPinions newsletter keeps you abreast of the latest OPP news and offers
- For the select few – our ‘top tips’ selection and recruitment quick guide
- Sorry to burst your bubble – MBTI coaching exercise to help you demonstrate how internal thinking and external expression may differ
- “You didn’t hire me because of my Facebook profile?” – Powerpoint slide presentation on the ups and downs of social media networking
- Two for the price of one – we have several ‘Use-with’ guides to download, including this one describing how to combine MBTI and TKI insights in your training session
- Letting the Cattell out of the bag – in-depth guide to coaching with the 16PF; there’s a separate one for the MBTI framework too
- Conflicting views – OPP’s tension-defusing white paper on conflict management in the workplace
- How to break the ice – handy ‘ice-breaker’ cards for use in FIRO sessions
- All change! Useful MBTI workshop exercise for sessions involving teams undergoing change
- The brains behind the business – neuroscience and personality webinar by Dario Nardi, one of many on offer on our webcasts page
- Something to pin your hopes on – ever-growing resource of MBTI and related material on the OPP Pinterest boards
- Communication breakdown? Not with our white paper "You say one thing but they hear another"
- Culture shock - Powerpoint slide presentation based on one of our many conference papers, looking at cross-cultural business personality issues
- Picture this – great stress management infographic
- You’re welcome! Short video for new OPP-trained practitioners