Team development

Talking psychometrics with the Start, Scale, Grow podcast

current blog
Posted 20 May 2024 by
Kevin Wood, Global Marketing

Talent selection, remote working, and psychological safety are among the topics covered on the Start, Scale, Grow podcast with consulting psychologist Cameron Nott

How Australia Post used MBTI personality type to build trust and increase productivity

current blog
Posted 25 January 2024 by
Vanessa Bradford

Managers have a lot on their plate – from exceeding customer expectations to taking care of their employees. This blog explains how sales and operations managers at Australia Post improved company success by using the MBTI personality assessment to build trust and collaboration.

Why knowing your personality type is critical to a growth mindset

current blog
Posted 24 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

If people think ability is innate, it could be holding them back

How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

current blog
Posted 16 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research sends clear message to team leaders

Why and how innovative organizations welcome conflict

current blog
Posted 03 October 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

Effective conflict management is a pillar of high-performing organizations

Uncover the (in)visible elements of team success

current blog
Posted 21 September 2023 by
Author Vanessa Bradford

There are many psychological factors that affect team success. This article helps managers and leaders understand how those factors affect performance – and why the MBTI personality assessment is one of the best opportunities for growth.

Leadership wake-up call: how’s your team’s orientation?

current blog
Posted 18 September 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford

In the workplace, there are hidden elements that can make or break team success. This blog post helps managers and leaders understand the importance of team orientation – and the role inclusive leadership plays in boosting it.

To build better teams, start by building trust

current blog
Posted 18 September 2023 by
Vanessa Bradford

At work, there are hidden elements that can make or break team success. This blog post helps managers and leaders understand how inclusion – and inclusive leadership – cultivates the trust and psychological safety that teams need to be effective.

The worst thing about teams? Poor leaders

current blog
Posted 11 September 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research explores team performance, job satisfaction, and the role of personality type

Enhancing communication in teams

current blog
Posted 08 September 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

In this post we explore practical strategies for improving team communication and recommend tips to improve how team members interact on the job.

Working Across Cultures

current blog
Posted 23 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

What are the biggest challenges people face working across cultures? Listen to this episode of The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast with Frank Garten, cross-cultural expert and global leadership trainer to learn how to mitigate cultural challenges and improve communication.

Overcoming team communication challenges

current blog
Posted 14 August 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

In this post, based on an interview with Myers-Briggs Professional Services Principal Consultant and Depth Psychologist Dr. Marta Koonz, we discuss communication in teams, the psychological needs of teams, and their impact on collaboration.


Happiness and profit are synergistic

current blog
Posted 06 June 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

Why well-being is crucial to employee and organizational performance

To be an inclusive leader, you need to understand and respect personality preferences

current blog
Posted 15 March 2023 by
Global Marketing

What does inclusion look like for executives and the people they lead? 

In-person development and the importance of human synchronization

current blog
Posted 17 February 2023 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

What is human synchronization and why is it important for learning and development trainers, consultants and coaches to consider?   

Measuring the behaviors of successful, inclusive leaders with the FIRO-B tool

current blog
Posted 10 February 2023 by
Author Vanessa Bradford

Did you know that interpersonal behaviors can be measured in an objective way? Through the FIRO-B® assessment, HR professionals and leadership consultants can check how well a person’s behaviors cultivate inclusion and success in the workplace.

Inclusion is a priority, but how do leaders actually become inclusive?

current blog
Posted 06 February 2023 by
Global Marketing

Research shows there’s a self-perception gap when leaders assess their inclusion efforts

Introverts in conflict: what we learned in 2022

current blog
Posted 02 January 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research and data shows how different personality types approach conflict. But what does it mean for Introverted types? 

Will Gen Z usher in a new generation of work-related conflict?

current blog
Posted 21 December 2022 by
Global Marketing

Awareness of different approaches to conflict could help multi-generational workforces understand each other and work together better. 

Use conflict as a health check for your team

current blog
Posted 09 November 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Is lack of conflict a sign of dysfunction? And what do people feel about conflict today? 

How to build a more effective hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 24 October 2022 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

Paying closer attention to employee needs is the way to make remote, in-office, and hybrid teams function better

What are the new sources of conflict at work?

current blog
Posted 21 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Learn the types and causes of conflict to be better prepared in how you manage conflict 

Conflict at work: what are your options?

current blog
Posted 05 October 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

If conflict management is something you dread, here’s how to start turning it around

Conflict Management

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Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

How can conflict management save organizations money?

Leadership, Extraversion & Introversion

current blog
Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

What should leaders be aware of about these well-known personality differences?

Introducing The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast

current blog
Posted 09 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

The Myers-Briggs Company is launching a new podcast about psychology, personality, work life, and how to get the best from life. 

Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

current blog
Posted 24 May 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.

Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 20 May 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?

Using interpersonal needs to make the hybrid model work for teams

current blog
Posted 01 March 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

Is it possible to get the best of both worlds with hybrid work?

How to develop high potential people using MBTI personality insights

current blog
Posted 09 February 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

HR professionals get insight into team dynamics, individual strengths and more with potential leaders when using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment.

Using Personality Assessments for Team Building

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Posted 15 December 2021 by
Melissa Summer, Global Content Marketing Manager

How can personality assessments like the MBTI tool help teams work together more effectively and understand each other better?

Patrick Lencioni on team trust, vulnerability, and the MBTI® assessment

current blog
Posted 13 January 2021 by
Kevin Wood, Writer at The Myers-Briggs Company

The author of 5 Dysfunctions of a Team shares his insights on the MBTI assessment for individual and team development...

The Platinum Rule for business

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Posted 02 July 2020 by
Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson, Senior Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

How observing the Platinum Rule builds stronger workplace relationships

Trust and remote working

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Posted 14 April 2020 by
Helen Rayner, Thought Leadership Lead Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

What can you do to help maintain positive relationships remotely?

People need people!

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Posted 03 April 2020 by
Nikhita Blackburn, Thought Leadership Lead Consultant, The Myers-Briggs Company

Tips for working from home

Making a social impact

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Posted 20 February 2020 by
Helen Denny, Head of Global Customer Experience, The Myers-Briggs Company

Reflections on our first charity partnership

The importance of purpose

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Posted 05 December 2019 by
Will Cleare, Head of HR (Europe), The Myers-Briggs Company

How developing your business goals can increase engagement

The changing shape of teams

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Posted 22 October 2019 by
The Myers-Briggs Company

Teams and Google’s Project Aristotle

Type and teams

current blog
Posted 30 August 2019 by
Helen Rayner, Lead Consultant at The Myers-Briggs Company

Take our survey on personality and teamwork

How to motivate the people you manage

current blog
Posted 06 August 2019 by
Melissa Summer, PR and Content Marketing Manager at The Myers-Briggs Company

Motivation - more than 'get it done’

Six things managers and executives can do to improve company culture

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Posted 26 June 2019 by
Jeff Hayes, President and CEO of The Myers-Briggs Company

6 things managers and executives can do

Are some personality types happier than others?

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Posted 23 May 2019 by
The Myers-Briggs Company

Read our latest research on well-being

Are you a gig worker?

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Posted 05 April 2019 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership for The Myers-Briggs Company

If you aren’t sure, read on…

The Psychology of Change

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Posted 15 March 2019 by
Melissa Summer, Content Marketing and PR Manager at The Myers-Briggs Company

There’s an important part of business growth that’s often overlooked – change.

The changing world of work

The changing world of work
Posted 13 September 2018 by

PeopleFWD 2018 promises insights and practical solutions

Together, not together

Together, not together image
Posted 18 July 2018 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership, OPP

Want to stop people speaking to each other? Put them in an open-plan office

Hidden figures

MBTI leadership and organisational culture
Posted 26 April 2017 by
Katy Lyne, Principal Consultant, OPP

Gender, leadership and the pressure of organisational culture

Le Tour de France – it's all about high-performing teams

High performing cycling team
Posted 13 July 2016 by
Claire Bremner, Senior Consultant at OPP

Cycling-inspired tips for team and leadership development

Decoding communication issues between MBTI Types 2016

Inside Outside Typies
Posted 02 April 2016 by
Betsy Kendall, COO and Head of Professional Services, OPP

Inside-Outside Typies - a new way to explore Type dynamics by combining Typies and Core Characters

Introducing the Core Characters of Type

Core characters and dynamics intro
Posted 03 March 2016 by
Betsy Kendall, COO and Head of Professional Services, OPP

How can we make it easier to talk about the real power of MBTI: Type dynamics?

Valentine's reflections: Sandra and Terry 20 years on

Posted 15 February 2016 by
Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP

What the FIRO questionnaire can tell us about interpersonal compatibility

FIRO icebreaker exercise

Posted 20 January 2016 by
Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP

A great exercise for groups or teams - download the instructions and cards for free.

Team development and the power of MBTI Step II

MBTI Step II profile example
Posted 25 November 2015 by
Alexis Hutson - Coach and Mentor to Doctors

Alexis Hutson, professional coach and mentor, shares her experience of using MBTI Step II for team development. A great example of the differences between Step I and Step II.

Top tips for increasing the impact of your team coaching - part 2

team coaching cropped
Posted 10 July 2015 by
Katy Lyne - Principal Consultant at OPP

In my previous blog post, I set out five top tips for increasing the impact of team coaching based on my experience as an OPP Consultant. I’m aware of the increasing pressure on clients’ budgets and the need to ensure that investment in team coaching inspires permanent change and makes a lasting difference to performance. With this in mind, I offer five more tips.

Top tips for increasing the impact of your team coaching – part 1

Posted 18 June 2015 by
Katy Lyne - Principal Consultant at OPP

As an OPP Consultant, I work with many teams across a wide variety of sectors and industries. I was recently talking to a client, herself an L&D practitioner, who asked me about my approach to team coaching – in  particular what my ‘top tips’ were for ensuring that the work had impact and made a real difference to how the team functions. This got me thinking about the key elements involved.

Top five blog articles of 2014

What's your type tipple?
Posted 29 December 2014 by

Visits to our Personality Matters blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the last 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and we’ve commented on the Paul Flowers furore. We've also continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management. But what are the top five posts that readers have returned to again and again?

Six videos that help illustrate MBTI type

E-I vid by Susan Caine
Posted 10 October 2014 by
Betsy Kendall - COO and head of Professional Services at OPP

Training aids that are memorable and that bring clarity to descriptions of MBTI® type are like gold dust. One of the commonest questions I come across in the various MBTI-related Linked In groups, including OPP’s own OPP Qualified Practitioners, is the plea for good exercises to help illustrate the MBTI preferences and dichotomies.

Ten more books about MBTI and type that you can't afford to be without!

16 Personality Types
Posted 12 September 2014 by

In the second of our blog posts looking at 20 invaluable books about MBTI® and type, we review another ten titles that have impressed MBTI practitioners or been a key support in their work with the MBTI assessment. As with the first batch, the books featured here are listed in no particular order, and comments are from individual reviewers who responded to our request for reviews on the Linked In group OPP Qualified Professionals.

Celebrate with 25 free resources for practitioners

OPP at 25 logo
Posted 28 May 2014 by

Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.

What’s going on under all that forming, storming and norming in teams?

Tug of war
Posted 23 May 2014 by
Alice King, Principal Consultant at OPP

In my ten years’ experience of working with teams at all levels in organisations, I’ve found the FIRO® tool one of the best ways to accelerate a team’s development. It’s a catalyst for the transition from a group of individuals working well (or badly!) to a team that has common objectives and drive, and team members who understand the journey they need to take to become high performing. Once they’ve experienced FIRO, team members are often more able to discuss openly what they need from each other to support the team and share resources, becoming less territorial and more collaborative. What I love about FIRO is that it really gets to the core of what’s driving people and their interactions with each other.