Managing change

How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

current blog
Posted 16 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research sends clear message to team leaders

Essential skills for uncertain times

current blog
Posted 03 May 2023 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

How do essential skills help organizations adapt to uncertainty and disruptive change? 

Use conflict as a health check for your team

current blog
Posted 09 November 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Is lack of conflict a sign of dysfunction? And what do people feel about conflict today? 

How to build a more effective hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 24 October 2022 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

Paying closer attention to employee needs is the way to make remote, in-office, and hybrid teams function better

Get the latest research on conflict at work

current blog
Posted 24 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Conflict can be positive. New data and tips help you learn how to manage it.

What are the new sources of conflict at work?

current blog
Posted 21 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

Learn the types and causes of conflict to be better prepared in how you manage conflict 

Conflict at work: what are your options?

current blog
Posted 05 October 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

If conflict management is something you dread, here’s how to start turning it around

Galderma Skincare Uses the MBTI® Tool to Navigate Major Company Change

current blog
Posted 03 October 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

How does a skincare giant smooth out the wrinkles of organizational change?

Psychology of Change

current blog
Posted 24 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

What is change management and why does it matter for organizations?

Introducing The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast

current blog
Posted 09 August 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

The Myers-Briggs Company is launching a new podcast about psychology, personality, work life, and how to get the best from life. 

Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

current blog
Posted 24 May 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.

Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 20 May 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?

Available now: Psychology of change in the hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 23 March 2022 by
by Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

Change is inevitable. And as the hybrid workplace becomes a new normal for many organizations, it brings specific benefits and challenges to managing uncertainty and successfully implementing change initiatives.

Survivor guilt and the aftermath of lockdown

current blog
Posted 17 July 2020 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership, The Myers-Briggs Company

Does personality impact survivor syndrome?

Decisions and Brexit: are you Tough or Tender?

MBTI decision making
Posted 28 March 2017 by
John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership, OPP

Exploring the MBTI Thinking-Feeling Step II facets in the context of Brexit

MBTI, communication and the Brexit phoney war

MBTI and Brexit change thm 0610
Posted 06 October 2016 by
John Hackston, Head of Research at OPP

Using the MBTI framework to form effective communications during these strange, unknown and stressful times. 

Trends in global leadership: where does type fit in?

What will leaders need slide
Posted 29 January 2015 by
John Hackston - Head of R&D at OPP

This world of ours is changing. That’s hardly an earth-shattering statement. What’s less obvious is that change is happening more and more quickly – it’s difficult to visualise what the world will be like in five years time, still less in 10, 20 or 30 years. And yet this is what organisations need to do. Today’s new entrants, graduates and management trainees will be tomorrow’s leaders, and we need to prepare them for the challenges ahead.

Top five blog articles of 2014

What's your type tipple?
Posted 29 December 2014 by

Visits to our Personality Matters blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the last 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and we’ve commented on the Paul Flowers furore. We've also continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management. But what are the top five posts that readers have returned to again and again?

Ten more books about MBTI and type that you can't afford to be without!

16 Personality Types
Posted 12 September 2014 by

In the second of our blog posts looking at 20 invaluable books about MBTI® and type, we review another ten titles that have impressed MBTI practitioners or been a key support in their work with the MBTI assessment. As with the first batch, the books featured here are listed in no particular order, and comments are from individual reviewers who responded to our request for reviews on the Linked In group OPP Qualified Professionals.

Celebrate with 25 free resources for practitioners

OPP at 25 logo
Posted 28 May 2014 by

Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.