
Talking psychometrics with the Start, Scale, Grow podcast

current blog
Posted 20 May 2024 by
Kevin Wood, Global Marketing

Talent selection, remote working, and psychological safety are among the topics covered on the Start, Scale, Grow podcast with consulting psychologist Cameron Nott

How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

current blog
Posted 16 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

New research sends clear message to team leaders

Should personality assessments be used in hiring?

current blog
Posted 14 November 2023 by
Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company

How to decide if and when to include personality assessments in the selection proces

Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

current blog
Posted 24 May 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.

Social contracts, returning to the office and retaining your people in the new hybrid workplace

current blog
Posted 20 May 2022 by
Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company

As employees return to the office, they’re expecting more flexibility in their social contracts with employers. How can HR help?

Developing future leaders

Developing future leaders
Posted 30 May 2018 by
CPP Connect

Fortune 10 senior OD consultant talks about CPI 260 certification experience

That difficult woman #BloodyDifficultWoman

Gender in leadership
Posted 29 July 2016 by
Penny Moyle, CEO OPP

Personality, gender stereotypes and leadership

Home-made competency models – a clown’s suitcase?

Posted 28 August 2015 by
Rob Bailey - Principal R&D Consultant at OPP

“We’ve got our own competency model” sounds like an innocent phrase, but can be worrisome to an external consultant. Not all competency models are created equal, and even good ones can present a challenge to those of us who have to assess people against them.

Are you a confident idiot? The importance of cognitive confidence

Posted 07 August 2015 by
John Hackston - Head of R&D at OPP

We’ve all heard the horror stories about bad business decisions. Way back in 1876, Western Union turned down an offer to buy the patent on the telephone, as the device clearly had ‘no commercial possibilities’; more recently we could cite Kodak inventing the digital camera but then doing nothing with it (because it could have cannibalised their film business) or Lehman Brothers borrowing hugely just before the housing bubble burst. With the benefit of hindsight, it is easy to see how wrong these decisions were, but the sad truth is that we are all prone to biases in our decision-making.

How long will it be before Smartphones replace computers for employee assessment?

Posted 05 August 2015 by
Robert McHenry - Chairman at OPP

1.5 billion people in the world own a smartphone. That’s almost 20% of the world’s population; and in the US and Europe, 60% of the population own one. Such a ubiquitous device has become part of our daily lives. Many of us have it on hand at all times to check the weather forecast, get directions, access our text and email messages and read the latest news. Indeed, the average user spends three hours per day on a smartphone and 15% of all global internet traffic originates from smartphones.

Recruitment: it's on the cards

card up sleeve
Posted 10 June 2015 by
Rob Bailey - R&D Principal Consultant at OPP

As an Occupational Psychologist, something I’ve had to grow used to is being told by managers that there’s very little I’ll be able to add to how they currently recruit people. And so it was on the cold December night several years ago when I half walked, half skated across icy pavements to meet the night shift manager who had reluctantly been scheduled to see me.

Five tips for conducting effective job interviews

Posted 20 February 2015 by
Robert McHenry - Chairman at OPP

Whether you need to hire staff for your own business, or you conduct interviews on behalf of a client, it’s important to get the most out of every job interview. As a business psychologist, I have studied selection methods carefully and practised them throughout my working life. Here are some tips on how to maximise the effectiveness of your next interview.

The Selfie Stick of Shame

Posted 16 January 2015 by
John Hackston - Head of R&D at OPP

In the news this week, it seems that Humberside Police have come up with a novel way of recruiting their new Deputy Chief Constable. Prospective applicants were asked to include a ‘selfie’ with every request for an application pack. According to Chief Constable Justine Curran, this was because it was “vital that candidates embraced new technology” (hence presumably the idea that candidates should demonstrate their cutting edge technological expertise by taking and emailing a photograph). In Curran’s words, “it is vital that potential candidates understand the importance of embracing new technology within Humberside Police at the point of applying for the role”.

Top five blog articles of 2014

What's your type tipple?
Posted 29 December 2014 by

Visits to our Personality Matters blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the last 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and we’ve commented on the Paul Flowers furore. We've also continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management. But what are the top five posts that readers have returned to again and again?

Ten top tips for staff retention

Bowl of fruit
Posted 11 December 2014 by
Julia Nickless - Key Account Manager at OPP

Staff retention is a major issue for many organisations. Some environments are feeling the effects more than others - call centres, for example, are practically haemorrhaging employees. Consequently, HR professionals need to find more effective ways to retain talent. Our blog post offers ten top tips for engaging with staff and keeping them on board.

How to structure those reference requests

Posted 17 October 2014 by
Robert McHenry - Chairman at OPP

References on job candidates are a very valuable source of information, and yet they are being requested less and less by private sector employers. The main reasons are a fear on the part of the referee (or the referee’s employer) that if they give a candid reference, they might be sued; and scepticism on the part of the new employer about the value of any references they might obtain.

Are you heading for a recruitment nightmare?

Selection infographic thumbnail
Posted 06 August 2014 by

Dodging the skills gaps, avoiding unwitting bias, and navigating social media ethically and effectively are just some of the ‘icebergs’ awaiting any organisation that sets out on a selection and recruitment journey. Our striking new infographic helps prevent that sinking feeling, summing up the pitfalls and the positives of the selection process.

Celebrate with 25 free resources for practitioners

OPP at 25 logo
Posted 28 May 2014 by

Few things in life are free – but OPP has some really cool free resources to support you in your work! To help celebrate our 25 years in the business, we’ve taken a trawl through the various goodies available for zero outlay on our website. They range from white papers and feedback materials to fun quick guides and infographics – many of which can also be found on our practitioner downloads page.

HR Strikes Back at the HR Grapevine Conference!

Darth Vader and Sirius
Posted 20 March 2014 by
Julia Nickless, Key Account Manager at OPP

Last week I attended the fabulous, fun HR Grapevine Conference, HR Strikes Back – and the organisers had really gone to town on the Star Wars theme, with Darth Vader and his storm trooper pals photobombing the stands and taking an interest in talent management that seemed more measured than usual! Gimmicks aside, the conference proved to be a fascinating opportunity to talk to key HR people from some high-profile organisations, and to get inspired about the latest thinking from companies looking to get the best from their people.

Is your Board male, pale and stale? Update your executive recruitment!

Old white man in tweed and bottle spectacles
Posted 03 March 2014 by
John Hackston, Head of R&D at OPP

Executive recruitment can be a tricky business. Historically, organisations relied on track record; if someone had been successful in a similar, perhaps slightly more junior role, then surely he (and it mostly is a he) would be a good candidate for an executive job? Well, not necessarily. Promoting people just on track record is a great way to see the Peter Principle in action (people are promoted until they reach a level at which they are incompetent). You can probably think of some good examples of this from organisations you’ve worked in yourself.