TKI poster
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1  x TKI Conflict Modes Poster (French) 

TKI Conflict Modes Poster (French)

Demonstrate the five TKI Conflict Modes

The TKI (Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument) is fast and accessible, delivering insight, empowerment and resolution to anyone involved in conflict. By identifying alternative conflict styles, it helps people reframe and defuse conflict, creating more productive results.

The TKI measures preferences for five different styles of handling conflict, called conflict modes, which are described along two dimensions: assertiveness, or the extent to which a person tries to satisfy their own concerns; and cooperativeness, or the extent to which they try to satisfy the concerns of another person.

This simple, clear poster shows the 5 conflict handling modes, providing a demonstration of how they compare to each other along the two dimensions, to add an element of visual interest to your training room.