Get the latest research on conflict at work

Posted 24 October 2022 by
Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company

2 min. read

22% of people think their managers handle conflict poorly or very poorly, according to our latest research. 

The same research also shows that:

Get more findings and recommendations for managing conflict by downloading Conflict at work: A research report.

How is this information useful to you and your organization? 

Many people see conflict negatively, which it obviously is when it escalates. 

But if you define conflict as a difference of opinion, you see how relevant conflict management is in the current work environment. Constant change, disruption, hyper connectivity, shifting teams, global workforces, greater inclusion—all of these increase our exposure to different ideas, opinions, objectives, and ways of doing things. 

Every day, decisions are being made. And every day, difference—and maybe conflict—occurs. 

Author and conflict expert Dr Gail Fann Thomas describes conflict management as ‘a performance multiplier’ because good management of conflict makes a massive difference to performance. It has real value. This is why it’s an essential skill, especially for leaders and managers. 

Our new research will help you understand more about conflict. The report takes you through different aspects of conflict at work, including:

Download Conflict at work: A research report by The Myers-Briggs Company

Want to learn more about managing conflict? 

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