Strong profile report

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Strong® Profile Report

Expand career choices, gain insight into job preferences

Empower your clients to do more of what they like, and to achieve greater satisfaction at work and in life.

Using colourful graphics to present the client’s results to the experienced facilitator, the Strong Profile Report puts self-discovery into the hands of anyone seeking career direction. This highly personalised report paints a clear picture of how your clients’ specific interests and preferences link to various jobs, work settings and career fields. The Strong Profile enables your clients to discover their true interests in order to expand their career options and chart a plan of action towards fulfilling career choices.

The Strong Profile Report contains

  • Results on six General Occupational Themes mapping out broad interest patterns that describe preferred general types of work (artistic, technical etc)
  • Scores on 30 Basic Interest Scales providing more specific information about your clients’ fields of interest (medicine, media, law etc)
  • An indication of your clients’ interest in 244 Occupational Scales showing a specific set of occupations, based on patterns drawn from the interests of satisfied workers in those occupations
  • The client’s results in relation to five Personal Style Scales that describe their preferred style of working, learning, leading, risk-taking and team participation 

When to use the Strong Profile Report

  • Career development and action planning in professional contexts
  • Career guidance in an educational environment
  • Outplacement 

High school and college editions of this report are also available specifically designed for use in educational contexts

This report can be ordered through OPPassessment by practitioners with Strong certification or Test User: Occupational, Ability or Level A qualifications.

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