How personality type affects team performance and job satisfaction

Global Marketing, The Myers-Briggs Company
New research sends clear message to team leaders
Were you asked if you wanted to go back to the office?

Kevin Wood, The Myers-Briggs Company
If not, you might be part of a hybrid strategy that’s about to fail.
Holiday stress & personality: Tips for each MBTI type

Melissa Summer, Global Content Marketing Manager
Are your employees stressed about the holidays? Help them recognize their stress triggers and better manage stress with better understanding of their personality type
Ho ho how do MBTI Types differ at Christmas?

Nikhita Dost, Consultant at OPP
What does MBTI Type impact when it comes to Christmas? We conducted research to find out...
What's your MBTI Type Valentine's sentiment

Aidan Millar - Human Development Consultant for Psychometrics Canada and Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP
Fun this Valentine's with MBTI Type - what's yours?
What will be hot in 2016?

Penny Moyle, CEO at OPP
What should we look out for in 2016? Here are our predictions...
Stress - it is personal

Penny Moyle CEO at OPP and John Hackston Head of R&D at OPP
Quick fixes are great, but what about a long-term solution to managing stress?
Why bother with a questionnaire when working with MBTI Type?

Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP
If the goal of the MBTI assessment is to establish best-fit Type, why bother with the questionnaire?
MBTI icebreaker exercise – it’s a numbers game

Penny Moyle - CEO at OPP
Great feedback exercise for practitioners, helping to convey the brilliance of the MBTI framework.
What's your perfect Type holiday?

Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP
What's your idea of the perfect break? This holiday Type table looks at 16 vacations custom-made for each of the MBTI Types.
What plant Type are you?

Richard Stockill - MBTI Product Manager at OPP
Think of your MBTI Type and let your personality flower! We've re-imagined each of the 16 Types as colourful elements of the herbaceous border. If you were receiving MBTI feedback from Monty Don, Alan Titchmarsh or Charlie Dimmock, it might look something like this...
2015 - a year to celebrate coaching

Penny Moyle - CEO at OPP
Coaching has always been an important part of the L&D service that OPP’s consultancy offers. It’s also the mainstay of the practice for many of our independent practitioner customers. Why is there such a demand? In short, organisations need their leaders to develop a great range of responses to the challenges they face, and to develop greater psychological resilience. Additionally, many organisations are seeking to develop coaching skills among line managers, knowing that this too can have a significant and positive impact on organisational performance.
Top five blog articles of 2014

Visits to our Personality Matters Blog were at an all-time high in 2014, and we covered a wide range of topics in our weekly posts. Over the last 12 months we've talked about the best MBTI-based books and the various resources available for L&D teams. We’ve promoted Movember, and we’ve chipped in to the Paul Flowers furore. We've continued to thrive as thought leaders in a diverse range of workplace psychology issues, from recruitment and assessment centres to polarity management. But what are the top five posts that readers have returned to again and again?
More serious fun in L&D: Typies get personal

Penny Moyle - CEO at OPP
I love MBTI Step II. My first consulting role working with the MBTI framework was for an HR consultancy that always used the MBTI Step II assessment in preference to MBTI Step I. So I got to know it really well, really quickly and although I always use my Step II knowledge to underpin conversations with people who have only completed MBTI Step I, I never find it as satisfying as being able to get into the depth that one can reach with MBTI Step II insights.
Your type of Santa

Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP
If you were Santa, how would you approach the job? Our festive type table makes some type-based, tongue-in-cheek suggestions.
Time to have some serious fun in L&D – part 3: getting sticky!

Penny Moyle - CEO at OPP
The point of bringing more fun into MBTI development is to help create impact and make the learning memorable. In order for people to get lasting value from their MBTI experience, we need these concepts to ‘stick’; to be something they take away from the training room and can come back to time and again. With this in mind, we’ve created Typies™.
Time to have some serious fun in L&D – part 1

Paul Sullivan
L&D is a serious business. Get it right, and you can transform an organisation, propelling it to high performance. Get it wrong, and the consequences can be dire.
Are you heading for a recruitment nightmare?
Dodging the skills gaps, avoiding unwitting bias, and navigating social media ethically and effectively are just some of the ‘icebergs’ awaiting any organisation that sets out on a selection and recruitment journey. Our striking new infographic helps prevent that sinking feeling, summing up the pitfalls and the positives of the selection process.
What's your MBTI sports type?

Philippa Davis - R&D intern at OPP - and Betsy Kendall - COO at OPP
Reflecting on the fantastic sporting prowess displayed at the 2014 Commonwealth Games, we wondered which sports best capture the essence of each MBTI type. Here’s what we came up with - what do you think? Please feel free to share alternative suggestions!
Why are you dreading the football World Cup?!

Betsy Kendall COO and Head of Professional Services at OPP
With the World Cup upon us, the prospect of hearing about little else on the news for the next six weeks and seeing very little of my husband for the duration, I wondered if type might have anything to do with why some of us really aren’t enamoured of the “beautiful game”. So, I give you this type table. Please take it with a large pinch of salt: if you don’t like football you’ll probably agree with many of the statements. Whatever you do, don’t use it to work out what your type is! If you want to know that, take the MBTI questionnaire! I’d love it if you have other type-related reasons you’d like to share. I’d also really like to put together a table of reasons why each type loves football, but I’m afraid you football fans are going to need to help me out...
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