Conflict resolution training courses

Become a conflict management expert

Deliver effective, immediately applicable conflict interventions by qualifying as an expert practitioner in the MBTI® Step I, Step II or FIRO® tools, or by getting tips for using the TKI™ conflict tool.

The TKI delivers rapid, actionable strategies that allow people to choose different approaches to conflict depending on the situation. Although no qualification is required to purchase the TKI instrument, The Myers-Briggs Company does offer a TKI facilitator’s workshop that will help build confidence in using the tool. Find out more about TKI training
By opening up people’s default responses, you can create the basis for an extremely frank conversation and sort out what is really causing the problems they came to you with.

Michael BrownL&D Consultant. Michael Brown

The MBTI Step I tool is easy to understand, and has the power and breadth to deliver the deep insights and common language needed not just for conflict management, but for ongoing development across a wide range of business issues. To become an expert MBTI facilitator and understand how different types respond to conflict, you are required to qualify in the use of the MBTI Step I tool. Find out more about MBTI Step I training
The FIRO framework can be used to resolve the underlying issues of conflict. It quickly engages with people and supports them through the clashes that arise from interpersonal differences. To become an expert FIRO facilitator and get to the heart of people’s drivers and motivations in conflict, FIRO qualification is required. Find out more about FIRO training
The MBTI Step II tool builds on Step I and uncovers each person’s individual personality and work styles. With a dedicated section covering personal conflict style, Step II provides a deep understanding of how your natural approach affects the way you react to conflict situations. Find out more about MBTI Step II training