FIRO® workplace relations
The groundwork for building effective and successful working relationships
The FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation) instrument helps repair broken relationships and takes good, functional relationships to a higher level. It is the key that unlocks the potential in workplace interactions.
Relationships are important. They are an inevitable part of life, and yet can be a potential source of tension in organisations. In the workplace, performance, delivery and efficiency are required, often from a team of mere acquaintances. To achieve high performance, teams need to operate on trust and a solid foundation of good working relationships. The FIRO instrument targets this need, identifying the drivers underlying the behaviours that shape relationships for individuals and teams within an organisation.
- Adds a new, complementary perspective to any individual or group development experience
- Increases an individual’s effectiveness in relationships
- Presents a proven framework to propel teams and organisations to high performance
- Read a case study about FIRO building effectiveness in virtual teams
FIRO is inspiring for the students, and a lot of useful conversations have emerged as a result. It’s all about insight and understanding, and taking those skills to the sporting world in the years to come.
Grant Morffew, Managing Director. Omada Consulting
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