Effective leadership skills

Drive organisational effectiveness with authentic leadership

Leadership is a vital element in any organisation. Effective leaders provide the direction and alignment that is the key to meeting commercial objectives, whilst avoiding operational inefficiencies and wasted resources.

With effective leadership, most people are prepared to give their best to an organisation, and business runs smoothly and energetically. However, trying to develop a specific set of leadership skills and qualities to achieve this is not always the best way to reach optimal performance. Different leadership styles are needed in different circumstances.

Find out how to use self-awareness to foster great leadership: read our white paper

Organisations that only nurture one type of leader risk adopting blinkered business strategies. The Myers-Briggs Company’s leadership model is based around the belief that there is more than one way of being a great leader: and self-awareness is the starting point. Using our tried and trusted psychometric tools, we can get quickly to the heart of the leadership skills required for a particular organisation, individual and circumstance.
  • Better performance and results
  • Maximised opportunities
  • Better, clearer decisions
  • Increased employee engagement
  • More effective use of time and resources
The Myers-Briggs Company has over 20 years’ experience helping people to understand their own leadership style, and working with them to become the type of leader people remember for all the right reasons. Our psychometric instruments are used by over half of the FTSE 100, and our clients include organisations as diverse as Siemensthe NHS, and the RAF. These and many other customers have benefitted from exercises and activities that have a lasting impact on their organisation.

A number of our psychometric tools can support effective leadership development

  • The MBTI® tool can be used to develop leaders in organisations where ongoing development in multiple business areas is needed, allowing you to embed a single tool that will answer multiple business needs.
  • The TKI™ conflict-resolution model requires no prior knowledge or training and provides fast and effective resolution of conflict situations.