ISFJ: MBTI® Personality Profile

ISFJ personality types are considerate and kind individuals with a strong sense of commitment to others.

This introduction to the ISFJ personality type, based on the Myers-Briggs® Step I personality assessment, can help ISFJs to understand how they interact with others, and what careers they might enjoy.

The Myers Briggs ISFJ personality typeISFJ strengths

ISFJs are patient individuals who apply common sense and experience to solving problems for other people. They are responsible, loyal and traditional, enjoying serving the needs of others and providing practical help.

Potential development areas for ISFJs

ISFJ people may be overly cautious, and might not consider the logical consequences of their decisions. They can lack assertiveness, and risk basing their decisions on what they think will please others.

Typical ISFJ characteristicsTypical characteristics of an ISFJ

ISFJs are organised, practical and patient, but also dependable and loyal. Furthermore ISFJs are patient and understanding.

Their most common characteristics are shown here in the form of a fun Typie, which you can download and share.

ISFJ careers & career ideas

ISFJs enjoy a sense of belonging at work and like to work with people who care about and support each other. Jobs attractive to ISFJs are those that reward loyalty and a sense of duty, including careers in healthcare, secretarial roles and social work. More insight about ISFJ jobs can be found in our Introduction to Type and Careers.

ISFJ stressors


ISFJs under stress

ISFJs will typically become stressed in the situations shown in this MBTI type head illustration. In extreme circumstances they tend to be accusatory and pessimistic, tending to think the worst and shut down. Download and share* this ISFJ stress head to remind yourself and your colleagues about the things that stress ISFJs. 

*Terms of use apply


ISFJ relationships

An ISFJ is generally dependable and also committed to their partners and the groups they are associated with. They honour commitments and like to preserve traditions, also they tend to be good "caretakers".

Read our blog post on "What if your date is not your type?!"


Fun ways to share ISFJ characteristics:

  • Explore what kind of drinksport or shoes we think depicts an ISFJ personality
  • Discover more ways to characterise the ISFJ personality on our Fun ways to share your type page 
  • Already have your MBTI Step II profile? Create your Personal Typie
  • Read more on our blog about how aspects of Type dynamics are captured in each Type