
Is personality the key to your online security?

New research shows how our personality predicts our strengths and vulnerabilities online

Data fraud and cyber-crime are major issues facing society; most people have experienced a phishing attempt or other cyber-attack. For organisations, the human factor is often seen as the weak link, and a great deal of effort and money is put into security training. However everyone is different, with their own particular strengths and vulnerabilities when it comes to cyber-security. We've carried out research to look at how personality relates to cyber-security attitudes and behaviour, and you can download our findings and other resources from this page.
The full research report details our findings on information security attitudes and behaviours, use of passwords and cyber-security knowledge. We explored how these relate to personality and other factors, such as gender and the type of organisation people work for. 

We found that, generally, security behaviour was good, but we did identify some common mistakes. You can score yourself on three cyber-security scales by downloading this short questionnaire. And we did find several links between personality and cyber-security, meaning that we were able to put together cyber-security tips for each MBTI type.
If you know your MBTI type, we hope that these findings will help you to improve your own cyber-security, as well as being useful for type practitioners, HR and L&D professionals, and IT security specialists.