Experiential validity

Join us in London on December 5 for a talk at an event held by the Association for Business Psychology (ABP)

Learn about Experiential Validity and how it can form an evidence-based response to MBTI critics

The MBTI assessment remains the most famous personality assessment in the world. Many academics and other critics say it shouldn’t be so, but thousands of practitioners and recipients of MBTI feedback beg to differ. 

John Hackston, Head of Thought Leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company, and Penny Moyle, Faculty and Psychometrics Advisor at Meyler Campbell, deliver a talk on Wednesday evening which addresses this issue.

The talk is called:

Introducing Experiential Validity to the evaluation of assessments

Rather than perpetuating the scientist-practitioner divide, this session introduces a new perspective – experiential validity – to respond to critics and demonstrate how we can develop a new evidence-based way to use personality assessment in development.

This ABP London event takes place at:

Find out more and book your place.