Are you always on?

Take part in our short survey about increased connectivity and its impact on people’s lives

OPP’s latest research is on connectivity and the ‘always on’ culture. Help us find out how it affects us and what it means for different personality types

In 2017, almost 270 billion emails were sent and received each day. 1

55% of UK employees check their emails outside working hours, and the ‘always on’ culture of the workplace has been linked to rising stress levels. 2

How does the ‘always on’ culture affect different people and personality types? 

Help us find out – please complete our short survey

It will take just 10 minutes and will help us to explore this fascinating topic. The survey asks questions about your use of technology at work and at home, your attitudes towards it, and your experiences and strategies.

When we have completed our research, we will publish a report with some practical hints and tips for working with the always-on culture.  

The survey closes on October 26, 2018 – thank you for your contribution!


If you’re interested in finding out more about a previous survey on the use of email, see our quick guide to email and personality.



1 Radicati, Email Statistics Report 2017-2021,, accessed July 27, 2018
2 Moss, R, ‘Always On’ Culture Causing A ‘Stress Epidemic’ Among Brits – Here’s How To Switch Off,, accessed July 27, 2018