Stress resources updated

Improved and updated stress resources for Type practitioners

In the last two months we have been using Core Characters and dominant functions in blogs and new resources to understand what happens to different Types under stress.

Core Characters provide practitioners with a colourful, accessible explorer core characterand memorable way to explain the Type dynamics of stress. We’ve made some changes to make our stress resources even better.

Update to 'Introduction to Core Characters'
We’ve listened to customer feedback and added the two Typies for each Core Character to each slide. Now it’s easy to see which Typies share a dominant function and, therefore, share a Core Character. The blog post has been updated, and you can download your own Core Character from the poster displayed in the article.

Everyday stress and extreme stress: how to recover
In previous blog posts we explored what happens under everyday stress and extreme stress. Now we can explore recovery – how to recover from both of these states. See the blog post and download the updated slide set.


Remember that you need to sign in as a practitioner to download the PowerPoints referred to in the blog posts.