Sirius recruitment tool now measures mental agility

We've added two additional tests to our recruitment and selection tool Sirius

This latest development gives users much greater flexibility in their administration of ability tests in Sirius.

Sirius snip from videoBy asking a series of questions related to the features of various ability tests, Sirius helps recruiters choose which tests would be the most suitable to administer. The two new latest additions to the portfolio (together known as the Mental Agility Series) measure the following:

The new ability tests also assess a candidate’s confidence in their own ability, by asking them to assess their certainty of each answer they give as they go through the tests. This, in turn also assesses a candidate’s attitude to risk. These pieces of information are very valuable to recruiters in helping them fully understand their candidates.

Sirius is an innovative online recruitment and selection package that helps recruiting managers identify candidates who are the best possible fit for the job, and ensures that a fair and objective recruitment decision is made. It uniquely combines insights from various tools, including the 16PF personality assessment, to help screen, shortlist, interview and onboard applicants.