Spanish leadership consultancy wowed by FIRO®

OPP Alliance Partner Instituto de Liderazgo (IDL) sings the praises of FIRO interventions

IDL underlines the ROI of FIRO sessions, contrasting the "small" solution with the great results.

IDL logo“The unique thing about the FIRO framework is that it gives people the opportunity to talk about very personal perspectives that other tools simply don’t offer,” says Pedro Gioya Rivero, one of the Partners at IDL.

“There’s quite a bit of ignorance among the everyday business person about which team tools are most useful, so when we present the concrete interpretations and immediate solutions of the FIRO tool, people find it incredibly powerful. We haven’t found a rival tool that works as well as FIRO, or that is able to work at the dual levels of the individual and team dimensions so effectively for our clients.

"They see a clear link between what they’ve learnt and what will change for them - and that clarity is the beauty of the FIRO framework."

The Instituto de Liderazgo (IDL) is a boutique leadership consultancy firm based in Madrid, Spain. It is also responsible for delivering qualifying training in world-acclaimed psychometric tools such as the FIRO and MBTI® assessments.

Read the full IDL case study here.