OPP psychology research available to download

Our ever-expanding selection of conference presentation downloads allow you to access some of OPP psychologists’ latest research.

So, what were we talking about…? It’s easier than ever to find out, by taking a look at OPP’s recent psychology conference papers. They are available to download from our website.

OPP presents six papers at the BPS Division of Occupational Psychology ConferenceThe papers include our presentations at the last two BPS Division of Occupational Psychology conferences. The 2012 portfolio includes a looks at person-environment fit, social networking, and online data collection technology.

The 2013 offerings include a look at what personality can tell us about careers and stress, an examination of the importance of ambition and personality on career success, and a critique of the Big One theory.

These papers and posters can all be downloaded from the research section of the OPP website. Downloads of our 2013 EAWOP and ECP conference papers can also be accessed from this page.