New 16PF Career Success Report - bridging the gap

In response to customer feedback we’ve made the 16PF Career Success Report better than ever.

Current news stories highlighting the poor state of careers advice in schools and colleges suggest a worrying trend.

Uni studentsIn addition to the news stories, a recent report,“Employers are from Mars, young people are from Venus”, published by the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD), underlines the problem, highlighting the need to bridge the gap between the expectations of employers and the readiness of young people entering the workplace.

The 16PF Career Success Report was developed to address this mismatch. Based on the 16PF, a powerful behaviour-based personality assessment, it is easy to understand, quick to administer and offers a cost-effective way of providing tailored development and guidance to students.

The report has now been enhanced following feedback from career counsellors and students across a range of higher education establishments. Better than ever, it offers practical insights and explores different careers based on the personality of the candidate.