It's all about people

Leadership is psychology. Learn why — and how to apply it

Download the Psychology of Leadership

If leaders can’t connect with people, how can they inspire them into action?

And if leaders don’t understand what motivates the people who work for them, how can they expect high performances?

Connection and motivation are two of the issues covered in our Psychology of Leadership ebook, which explores five fundamental areas in which leaders can use psychology to understand their own position from different perspectives—and help people deliver their best.

Successful leaders inspire others and help them thrive. Psychology is the key.


of Generation Z have turned down employers that do not align with their values

Deloitte Global 2023 GenZ and Millennial Survey


of workers say they are overwhelmed by the amount of change that has taken place in their job

Capterra Change Fatigue Survey, 2022


more profitable—companies with highly engaged employees

Gallup, 2023

Inclusive Leadership: Harnessing Diversity of Thought

Understanding people and their motivations starts with inclusion. If people don’t feel listened to and valued—that is, if they don’t feel included—there is no real understanding.

Train leaders to develop inclusive behaviors that put people first. This course covers:

  • Inclusion: What’s the business case for being inclusive?
  • 8 core competencies every leader needs.
  • How leaders can self-evaluate accurately.
  • Bias—how to recognize it and act on it.
  • Tips for career exploration and development based on your personality type


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Psychology of Leadership - cover page image

Psychology of Leadership

What makes leaders effective? This ebook explores five key areas—self-awareness, inclusion, connection, motivation, and change—that have a direct impact on employee performance and leadership effectiveness.

Download this ebook to learn how to include, connect with, and motivate others.

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The question becomes, how can a leader effectively motivate followers when they're all driven by different things, and it isn't clear what works for who?

Lucy BellecPsychology of Leadership—Motivation, The Myers Briggs Company.

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