Leadership development

Transforming leadership skills across your organisation

The Myers-Briggs Company uses its deep knowledge of personality to enable good leaders to become great leaders, and to help you spot leadership potential that will carry your organisation upwards.

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We understand the psychology that helps existing and up-and-coming leaders unpack, explore and develop the leadership skills and qualities that act as the foundation for successful careers, sustained organisational growth and better results. We can support you in developing leaders who have the energy, authenticity and self-awareness to meet your challenges head on.

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Defining success – We help you determine what great leadership looks like in the context of your current business needs as well as working with you to anticipate the leadership qualities that will secure your future success.

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Evaluating people – We draw on our expertise with personality, ability and behavioural assessments to provide a detailed picture of your existing leadership capability and identify catalysts that will allow leaders to rise to the next level of leadership.

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Growing capability – We use our psychological expertise to develop self-aware leaders who are motivated to build on their strengths and address their developmental gaps, and enabled to apply their learning back in the workplace. All of our development sessions are designed to create the momentum and capacity for real personal change and learning that sticks.

The Myers-Briggs Company works with managers, senior managers and executives, developing them for their next leadership challenge. Working across organisational levels we support individual leaders, functional leadership teams and cohorts of leaders to transform leadership and embed new ways of working, relating and leading. Such shifts in leadership behaviour can be used to bring about long-term cultural change and increased engagement across the workforce.

Although the development experience will vary from business to business, these fundamental principles define our approach: 

  • Deep psychological insight is at the heart of what we do. We help individuals understand their unique leadership style and underlying motivations so that they can harness their strengths, focus their development around their own goals and become authentic leaders. Every individual will have a different leadership journey and different routes they can take to reach their destination. 
  • We do not provide ‘off-the-shelf’ solutions. Our approach develops leaders within the context of their unique organisational challenges and culture, using a portfolio of proven techniques including leadership assessment, skills development modules, self-managed learning, experiential learning, action learning, individual and peer coaching, and 360 and psychological tools. We work with you to create a bespoke blend of activities appropriate to your specific requirements.
  • We firmly root leadership development solutions in the context of your organisational strategy. Working on real business issues, we provide a platform for your leaders to apply what they have learned back in the workplace. By engaging your senior leaders we ensure the initiative has the full support of your organisation and meets your wider goals.
British Library   A development programme to stretch and test participants’ current skills by exposing them to leadership challenges faced at senior levels in the organisation. It has promoted an awareness of leadership style and a greater focus on the importance of these behaviours.

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Read our blog post on why leadership programmes fail