Sixteen business psychology resources to help you manage stress
Workplace stress accounts for 40% of work-related illness, yet employers often shy away from giving stress the attention it deserves. The business psychologists at OPP are an exception though, giving plenty of thought to this lingering problem. We believe that if organisations and individuals take the right approach, they can build resilience and boost performance. Want to know more about that ‘right approach’? Then take a look at some of the best resources we’ve put together on the subject.

1. Our white paper on the topic dives even deeper into the subject and the solutions

2. Our webcasts bring you insight from expert psychologists – listen to ‘Stress doesn’t have to be distressing’ with OPP CEO Penny Moyle and Head of R&D John Hackston
3. A second stress webcast, ‘Be better at managing conflict under stress’, brings the perspective of TKI co-author Ralph Kilmann
4. Our infographic: the psychology of stress gives a quick visual representation that will help you understand stress better
On our blog Personality Matters we frequently write on the subject of stress:
5. High performance without the stress: fostering resilience by Dr Penny Moyle reveals how to foster great performance, even in the toughest roles
6. Stressed-out Britain by Heather Coop presents and interprets OPP’s own research into stress and the typical coping strategies people tend to fall back on
7. I’m not an alien, I’m just a senior exec by Dr Penny Moyle suggests that there might be a particular personality profile for senior leaders that helps them deal calmly with stress
8. Personality, worrying and annual leave by Helen Rayner suggests that, depending on your personality, you may find holidays just as stressful as going to work!
9. Senior leaders need people to lean on, too by Betsy Kendall looks at how to keep those at the top of an organisation revitalised through stressful events such as redundancy and restructure
Want to go deeper? Then check out:
10. The MBTI Stress Management Report on OPPassessment, providing type-specific information about how individuals respond to stress, and what they can do to manage stress productively
11. In the Grip – an important booklet by Naomi Quenk, outlining the work energisers and stressors for the 16 MBTI types, together with practical guidance about what happens when we get stressed and what we can do to recover the balance
12. Our training course How to deliver MBTI resilience events – a live online workshop and bank of resources that upskill MBTI practitioners to deliver their own resilience-building workshops with the MBTI framework
These resources provide a wealth of information about how to manage stress, eliminate distress and build resilience in the workplace. It’s worth mentioning too that addressing the sources of stress through more general teambuilding and other forms of management development is a great way of building organisational resilience. All of the work we do at OPP can be used to make life less stressful and more productive – for example through better communication, better relationships at work, or better conflict resolution. If you want more guidance, then just get in touch.