OPP consultants out and about in healthcare

This week our consultants deliver an MBTI workshop in the Netherlands for the global healthcare company, Medtronic.

The biomedical engineering company, founded in the US in Minnesota in 1949, are the latest healthcare name to receive bespoke MBTI training from OPP’s team of consultants.

The workshop takes place in Heerlen in the Netherlands leadershipand comes after a very successful pilot session in Paris with OPP France. Medtronic would now like to continue using OPP to co-deliver their international training programme.

This aim of this week’s session is to support newly-promoted managers. The MBTI training will help new managers to increase their self awareness as leaders, and to learn how to adapt their influencing styles so they can lead more effectively.

Learn more about OPP’s business psychology consultants and see other clients and case studies.