Cambiana Consulting

Using the MBTI® assessment to develop leadership EQ

Cambiana Consulting specializes in team and leadership development. It helps leaders adapt to and harness the changes brought about by digital technology – and the MBTI® assessment is a big part of its approach to helping clients navigate change.

“Our global, digital, hyper-connected world is not only disrupting how we behave and communicate but also the way we think,” says Gaelle Piernikarch, Founder and CEO of Cambiana Consulting. “In many ways we are living continuous change at rocket speed. To navigate this complex and changing world reality, effective leadership is needed both as a competitive advantage and a core business competence.” 

Now, more than ever, leaders need to develop their emotional intelligence (EQ). Only by understanding their own and others’ emotions better, increasing empathy and strengthening resilience by using emotional information can they perform better. EQ can guide behavior.

In Cambiana’s view, traditional management techniques no longer offer an appropriate solution to leadership challenges in the technological age. Leaders now need to be equipped with highvalue skills that cannot be replaced by machines. It’s people EQ complementing machine IQ.

To help business leaders develop more emotional awareness, Cambiana created a leadership development program focused on key aspects of emotional intelligence and individual personalities. The program includes:

  • Recognizing and understanding who we and those around us  truly are
  • Finding authenticity, adaptability and impact in our communication and leadership style to empower teams
  • Creating a healthy work environment with the appropriate emotional responses to increase resilience
  • Managing performance and fostering a feedback culture
  • Developing self-confidence and assertiveness in our interactions and decision-making
  • Building stronger relationships and growing influence
  • Strengthening our flexibility and attitude towards risk and uncertainty

Underlying the program is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment, which enables people get a deep understanding of themselves and others. This helps to develop highly effective leadership in a natural, positive and sustainable way.

The MBTI® assessment also provides a high level of personalization and fulfils participants’ unique learning needs. With personal coaching support and ongoing reflection about diverse preferences in communication and persuasion, leadership styles, creativity, attitude to change and contribution to teamwork, participants develop self-confidence in their interactions and decisions.

Supported by a growth mindset, the MBTI® asssessment offers a powerful framework to combine personality differences with high performance. 

Over four months, the Cambiana Leadership Program, which is embedded in candidates’ jobs, builds on individual strengths.  It does this through practical exercises, peer coaching, webinars, group workshops, experiential activities and self-reflection to trigger a mindset shift for stronger teams.

Leaders who have attended Cambiana’s leadership program comment on their increased confidence, readiness to grow their teams, creativity for anticipating and embracing change, and their ability to strengthen team identity and build trust among team members. 

“While we were looking for a solid foundation to our leadership program, we realized that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® was the powerful and logical golden thread underlying all the topics we are covering,” says Gaëlle. “By bringing in-depth knowledge about self and others, being easy to understand, and offering direct applications at work, the MBTI® is the perfect instrument  to increase our leaders’ EQ.”

The MBTI® easily enables a deep understanding of yourself and others that fosters highly effective leadership in a natural, positive and sustainable manner.

Gaëlle PiernikarchProgram Director, Cambiana Leadership Programs.