ECP 2015 - Smart phone personality assessments?

OPP R&D Principal Consultant Rob Bailey will be presenting Personality without borders: do questionnaire languages and smart-phones bias results? at this year's conference

The 14th European Congress of Psychology (ECP) takes place in Milan, Italy, 7th to 10th July 2015.

ECP2015 banner

The conference is organised  by  the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA). Speakers, including Rob, will be presenting insights into new techniques and best practices from all fields of psychology.

Increased globalisation and internet technology is revolutionising the way we work. With psychometric resources now readily available online, there is greater demand upon psychologists and test-providers to perform multinational and multilingual personality assessment.

But do linguistic, cultural and psychological factors impact the results? And will putting a personality instrument on a smart phone app give results as valid and reliable as ‘old fashioned’ methods of administration? These are the fascinating issues that Rob will discuss – and we will be publishing material related to the findings later in the year. Watch this space!